

Osial M, Wilczewski S, Godlewska U, Skórczewska K, Hilus J, Szulc J, Roszkiewicz A, Dąbrowska A, Moazzami Goudarzi Z, Lewandowski K, Wypych TP, Nguyen PT, Sumara G, Giersig M. Incorporation of Nanostructural Hydroxyapatite and Curcumin Extract from Curcuma longa L. Rhizome into Polylactide to Obtain Green Composite. Polymers (Basel). 2024 Jul 30;16(15):2169.

Koutník J, Peer S, Humer D, Sumara G, Leitges M, Baier G, Siegmund K. T cell-intrinsic PKD3 fine-tunes differentiation into CD8+ central memory T cells and CD8 single positive thymocyte development.  Immunology. 2024 Sep;173(1):125-140. Epub 2024 May 26.

Wit M, Belykh A, Sumara G. Protein kinase D (PKD) on the crossroad of lipid absorption, synthesis and utilization. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2024 Feb;1871(2):119653. 


Belykh A, Hawro I, Kolczyńska-Matysiak K, Loza-Valdes A, Mieczkowski A, Sumara G. Triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidin-5-amines based ERK3 inhibitors fail to demonstrate selective effects on adipocyte function. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2023 Nov 20:109825. Online ahead of print.

Karwen T, Kolczynska-Matysiak K, Gross C, Löffler MC, Friedrich M, Loza-Valdes A, Schmitz W, Wit M, Dziaczkowski F, Belykh A, Trujillo-Viera J, El-Merahbi R, Deppermann C, Nawaz S, Hastoy B, Demczuk A, Erk M, Wieckowski MR, Rorsman P, Heinze KG, Stegner D, Nieswandt B, Sumara G. Platelet-derived lipids promote insulin secretion of pancreatic β cells. EMBO Mol Med. 2023 Jul 25:e16858.


Loza-Valdes A, El-Merahbi R, Kassouf T, Demczuk A, Reuter S, Viera JT, Karwen T, Noh M, Löffler MC, Romero-Becerra R, Torres JL, Marcos M, Sabio G, Wojda U, Sumara G. Targeting ERK3/MK5 complex for treatment of obesity and diabetes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2022 Jul 5; 612:119-125.

Wit M, Trujillo-Viera J, Strohmeyer A, Klingenspor M, Hankir M, Sumara G. When fat meets the gut—focus on intestinal lipid handling in metabolic health and disease. EMBO Mol Med. 2022 May 9;14(5):e14742.


Loza-Valdes A, Mayer AE, Kassouf T, Trujillo-Viera J, Schmitz W, Dziaczkowski F, Leitges M, Schlosser A, Sumara G. A phosphoproteomic approach reveals that PKD3 controls PKA-mediated glucose and tyrosine metabolism. Life Sci Alliance. 2021 Jun 18;4(8):e202000863. 

Trujillo-Viera J, El-Merahbi R, Schmidt V, Karwen T, Loza-Valdes A, Strohmeyer A, Reuter S, Noh M, Wit M, Hawro I, Mocek S, Fey C, Mayer AE, Löffler MC, Wilhelmi I, Metzger M, Ishikawa E, Yamasaki S, Rau M, Geier A, Hankir M, Seyfried F, Klingenspor M, Sumara G. Protein Kinase D2 drives chylomicron-mediated lipid transport in the intestine and promotes obesity. EMBO Mol Med. 2021 May 7;13(5):e13548. 

Bernhardt L, Dittrich M, El-Merahbi R, Saliba AE, Müller T, Sumara G, Vogel J, Nichols-Burns S, Mitchell M, Haaf T, El Hajj N. A genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of embryos fathered by obese males in a murine model of diet-induced obesity.  Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 21;11(1):1979. 


Kassouf T, Sumara G. Impact of Conventional and Atypical MAPKs on the Development of Metabolic Diseases. Biomolecules. 2020 Aug 29;10(9):E1256. 

Kolczynska K, Loza-Valdes A, Hawro I, Sumara G. Diacylglycerol-evoked activation of PKC and PKD isoforms in regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism: a review. Lipids Health Dis. 2020 May 28;19(1):113. 

El-Merahbi R, Viera JT, Valdes AL, Kolczynska K, Reuter S, Löffler MC, Erk M, Ade CP, Karwen T, Mayer AE, Eilers M, Sumara G. The adrenergic-induced ERK3 pathway drives lipolysis and suppresses energy dissipation. Genes Dev. 2020 Apr 1;34(7-8):495-510. 


Mayer AE, Löffler MC, Loza Valdés AE, Schmitz W, El-Merahbi R, Viera JT, Erk M, Zhang T, Braun U, Heikenwalder M, Leitges M, Schulze A, Sumara G. The kinase PKD3 provides negative feedback on cholesterol and triglyceride synthesis by suppressing insulin signaling. Sci Signal. 2019 Aug 6;12(593):eaav9150.
accepted version to download Mayer AE et al Sci Signal 2019 


Löffler MC, Mayer AE, Trujillo Viera J, Loza Valdes A, El-Merahbi R, Ade CP, Karwen T, Schmitz W, Slotta A, Erk M, Janaki-Raman S, Matesanz N, Torres J, Marcos M, Sabio G, Eilers M, Schulze A, Sumara G.  Protein kinase D1 deletion in adipocytes enhances energy dissipation and protects against adiposity. EMBO J. 2018 Nov 15;37(22):e99182. 


Cai K, El-Merahbi R, Löffler M, Mayer A, Sumara G. Ndrg1 promotes adipocytes differentiation and sustains their function. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 3;7(1):7191. 


Trujillo Viera J, El-Merahbi R, Nieswandt B, Stegner D, Sumara G. Phospholipases D1 and D2 Suppress Appetite and Protect against Overweight. PLoS One. 2016 Jun 14;11(6):e0157607. 


El-Merahbi R, Löffler M, Mayer A, Sumara G. The roles of peripheral serotonin in metabolic homeostasis. FEBS Lett. 2015 Jul 8;589(15):1728-34. 


Windak R, Müller J, Felley A, Akhmedov A, Wagner EF, Pedrazzini T, Sumara G*, Ricci R*.  The AP-1 transcription factor c-jun prevents stress-imposed maladaptive remodeling of the heart. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 10;8(9):e73294.

*corresponding authors 


Ittner A, Block H, Reichel CA, Varjosalo M, Gehart H, Sumara G, Gstaiger M, Krombach F, Zarbock A, Ricci R. Regulation of PTEN activity by p38delta-PKD1 signaling in neutrophils confers inflammatory responses in the lung. J Exp Med. 2012 Nov 19;209(12):2229-46. 

Sumara G, Sumara O, Kim J, Karsenty G. Gut-derived serotonin is a multifunctional determinant to fasting adaptation. Cell Metab. 2012 Nov 7;16(5):588-600. 

Palsgaard J, Emanuelli B, Winnay JN, Sumara G, Karsenty G, Kahn CR. Crosstalk between insulin and Wnt signaling in preadipocytes: Role of Wnt Co-receptor LDL receptor related protein-5 (LRP5). J Biol Chem. 2012 Apr 6;287(15):12016-26. 


Oury F*, Sumara G*, Sumara O, Ferron M, Chang H, Smith CE, Hermo L, Suarez S, Roth BL, Ducy P, Karsenty G. Endocrine Regulation of Male Fertility by the Skeleton. Cell. 2011 Mar 4;144(5):796-809.

*equal contribution 


Fuchs S, Herzog D, Sumara G, Büchmann-Møller S, Civenni G, Wu X, Chrostek-Grashoff A, Suter U, Ricci R, Relvas JB, Brakebusch C, Sommer L. Stage-specific control of neural crest stem cell proliferation by the small rho GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1. Cell Stem Cell. 2009 Mar 6;4(3):236-47. 

Sumara G, Formentini I, Collins S, Sumara I, Windak R, Bodenmiller B, Ramracheya R, Caille D, Jiang H, Platt KA, Meda P, Aebersold R, Rorsman P, Ricci R. Regulation of PKD by the MAPK p38delta in insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. Cell. 2009 Jan 23;136(2):235-48. 


Falk S, Wurdak H, Ittner LM, Ille F, Sumara G, Schmid MT, Draganova K, Lang KS, Paratore C, Leveen P, Suter U, Karlsson S, Born W, Ricci R, Götz M, Sommer L. Brain area-specific effect of TGF-beta signaling on Wnt-dependent neural stem cell expansion. Cell Stem Cell. 2008 May 8;2(5):472-83. 


Sumara I, Quadroni M, Frei C, Olma M, Sumara G, Ricci R, Peter M. A Cul3-based E3 ligase removes Aurora B from mitotic chromosomes, regulating mitotic progression and completion of cytokinesis in human cells. Dev Cell. 2007 Jun;12(6):887-900. 


Stepniak E, Ricci R, Eferl R, Sumara G, Sumara I, Rath M, Hui L, Wagner EF. c-Jun/AP-1 controls liver regeneration by repressing p53/p21 and p38 MAPK activity. Genes Dev. 2006 Aug 15;20(16):2306-14. 


Sumara G, Belwal M, Ricci R. “Jnking” atherosclerosis. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2005 Nov;62(21):2487-94.

Ricci R, Eriksson U, Oudit GY, Eferl R, Akhmedov A, Sumara I, Sumara G, Kassiri Z, David JP, Bakiri L, Sasse B, Idarraga MH, Rath M, Kurz D, Theussl HC, Perriard JC, Backx P, Penninger JM, Wagner EF. Distinct functions of junD in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Genes Dev. 2005 Jan 15;19(2):208-13. 


Ricci R*, Sumara G*, Sumara I, Rozenberg I, Kurrer M, Akhmedov A, Hersberger M, Eriksson U, Eberli FR, Becher B, Borén J, Chen M, Cybulsky MI, Moore KJ, Freeman MW, Wagner EF, Matter CM, Lüscher TF. Requirement of JNK2 for scavenger receptor A-mediated foam cell formation in atherogenesis. Science. 2004 Nov 26;306(5701):1558-61. *equal contribution.